HETA is able to offer a Level 4 Lead Engineering Technician Apprenticeship with an enhanced product offer to include:
With the increasing demand for skills and knowledge at Level Four with a predicted 54% of the workforce requiring such levels HETA has identified an opportunity to achieve these ambitions using the apprenticeship levy.
The Lead Engineering Technician Apprenticeship Standard is the perfect progression opportunity for those completing a Level 3 apprenticeship standard and moving into a more demanding and responsible role as part of their career development.
With a mandatory HNC as a core component of the programme accounting for the 20% off the job training successful apprentices will leave the programme with a highly recognised qualification in addition to an apprenticeship completion certificate.
Our programme is delivered by industry experienced and qualified lecturers and provides a clear pathway through to a B’Eng degree for those that wish to pursue their academic dreams.
Delivered one day per week over two years the programme has a success rate of 88%.
Click here to learn more about our Higher National programmes.
Alternatively, to learn everything you need to know about a particular programme, call our Higher National expert on 01482 373031 or email graham.taylor@heta.co.uk
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